Landlords with a residential assured shorthold tenancy (AST) need to know any investment is protected and that issues will be resolved quickly and effectively.
Residential property law is a specialist area so you need a specialist solicitor to guide you through any issues. You need someone on your side who understands the necessary (and frequently changing) legislation, as well as someone with a commercial approach.
GA Solicitors has a residential landlord and tenant specialist and can offer fast and effective advice to landlords on all residential tenant-related issues. These include:
- Possession claims
- Service of notices
- Recovery of rent arrears
- Recovery of land or property from unlawful occupiers
- Issuing proceedings for possession
- Drafting of tenancy agreements
- Advice in relation to housing disrepair
- Advice in relation to deposit claims
You can view our full brochure here:
Speak to our experienced residential landlord and tenant team today by calling 01752 203500 or emailing