If the local authority or social services are made aware of any issues regarding child welfare, they are duty bound to investigate this further.
We understand that receiving a call from social services about your child can be very distressing. Our specialist childcare team is on hand to guide you through the steps and ensure your child has the best possible upbringing and is in the safest environment.
Social services investigations may lead to protective measures being put into place. This can include court proceedings for care or supervision orders, or orders regarding the education of a child where a child is failing to receive education.
When the system seems like a minefield, you need to have straightforward advice to guide you safely through. Whether acting for the child, parent or grandparent, we will always have our client’s best interests from the outset.
Once parents, guardians or carers have received a pre-proceedings letter, they will be entitled to legal aid and the advice of a specialist social services solicitor. Once instructed we can liaise with social services on your behalf and guide you through the procedures, including presenting your case at the pre-proceedings meeting.
As well as advising parents, carers and grandparents, we are also often appointed by court appointed representatives (children’s guardians) to represent the interests of children in care proceedings.
Our qualified team are members of the Law Society’s Children Panel and are also accredited by Resolution, demonstrating their expertise and high levels of client care. The family team is also ranked in Chambers & Partners UK and The Legal 500.
If you need to speak to a member of our team then call GA Solicitors on 01752 203500, email enquiries@GAsolicitors.com or fill in the contact form. We are here to help, whenever you need us.