Although often overlooked in favour of property or cash in the bank, pensions are for many people their most valuable asset on divorce.
After a lifetime of working, dividing a pension at a time of separation can be very complex and emotionally charged. Whether it involves a relatively simple money purchase scheme, a more complex defined benefit scheme (including the various Government pensions for uniformed services and Civil Service), or even the more complex SIPPs and SASSs, GA Solicitors’ specialist Plymouth divorce team will be on your side.
You may want to protect what you have worked so hard to build, or you may have sacrificed your own opportunities to build a pension due to child care or home moves to accommodate the other person’s career. The latter is often a consequence of being married to someone in the armed forces and all of these aspects need consideration when agreeing a pension split.
It could also be proposed that, as an alternative to a pension sharing order, other financial resources are divided more generously, a process frequently referred to as “off-setting”. Further complexities can also arise if pensions have important additional benefits, such as death in service payments. These can, in certain circumstances, be allocated to the other spouse.
If you are considering divorce then you need GA’s divorce and pension specialists in your corner. Located in Plymouth and easily accessible, we will ensure the best possible outcome for you; be this through mediation or through the family court.
If you need to speak with a solicitor about pensions following a relationship breakdown, then call GA Solicitors on 01752 203500 or fill in the contact form.We are here to help, whenever you need us.