If you have suffered from an accident or illness abroad that wasn’t your fault then there is a chance you could be able to claim compensation.
Perhaps you were on holiday and had a fall on a badly maintained walkway within your hotel, or you contracted food poisoning from your hotel restaurant – if so then it may be possible to make holiday accident claims against your holiday company.
If you were working abroad at the time of the accident and it was the fault of your employer, then we may be able to assist in making a personal injury compensation claim, provided that the employer is either based in the UK or has a UK registered office. This claim would be handled in the same way as a claim for an accident at work.
GA Solicitors’ personal injury team has helped hundreds of victims who have suffered abroad get the compensation they deserve. Fill in our online form or call 01752 203500 to speak with our specialist team and see how we can help you. Alternatively, email enquiries@GAsolicitors.com.
GA Solicitors’ personal injury team is highly ranked in both The Legal 500 and Chambers UK. The team also includes members of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, (APIL).