Family law & divorce
Acting for families where the Local Authority has intervened
Civil partnership dissolution
Cohabitation agreements
No Fault Divorce
Child arrangements
Domestic violence
Financial arrangements
Issues arising from relationship breakups
Prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements
Legal aid
Wills, trusts & probate
Will Writing
Trusts and asset protection
Lasting powers of attorney
Mental capacity and the Court of Protection
International and cross border estates
Inheritance tax planning
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Wills, inheritance & trust disputes
Contesting a will
Inheritance disputes
Court of Protection, including financial abuse of the elderly
Burial and cremation disputes
Deathbed gifts
Lifetime promises and gifts
Property ownership disputes
Applications to remove executors/trustees
Claims against executors/trustees
Personal injury
Accidents at work
Accidents in public spaces
Fatal accidents claims
Motorcycle and road traffic accidents
Head injuries
Child accident claims (Injuries to children)
Animal injuries, accidents and bites
Armed forces injury claims
Criminal injuries
Assaults in the workplace
Accidents on board ships/admiralty claims
Accident or illness abroad
Sports injuries
Catastrophic injuries
Asbestos & industrial disease
Asbestos exposure and resulting illnesses
Occupational asthma
Occupational dermatitis
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Long COVID-19 Healthcare Worker Claims
Military hearing loss claims
Industrial deafness
Hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) at work
Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
Medical negligence
Surgical negligence claims
Missed fracture compensation claims
Medical misdiagnosis claims
GP negligence claims
Cancer misdiagnosis and late cancer diagnosis claims
Buying a home
Selling a home
Transfer of equity
Employment law
Settlement agreements
Unfair dismissal
Raising a grievance
Employment status
Restrictive covenants
Professional negligence
Corporate / commercial
Mergers and acquisitions
Selling businesses
Joint ventures
Shareholder agreements
Partnership and LLP agreements
Management buyouts
Company formations and articles of association
Corporate finance
Corporate reconstructions
General commercial agreements
Owner managed businesses
Family businesses
Advice to directors, shareholders, etc.
Small business support
Commercial property
Acquisitions and disposals of business and investment property
Development land acquisition, including option, overage and pre-emption agreements
Leases acting for landlords and tenants
Employment disputes
Employment tribunal claims
Disciplinary, grievance and capability procedures
Discrimination/equality and diversity
Employment contracts
TUPE, outsourcing and business transfers
Settlement agreements
Employment status
Post termination restrictions
Sickness absence
Staff handbooks, policies and procedures
HR matters
Working time regulations
Minimum wage
GA Energy
Anaerobic digestion
Hydro power
Battery storage
Energy from waste
Business disputes
Contract disputes and disputes between businesses
Shareholder/director/partnership disputes
Enforcement of restrictive covenants
Franchise disputes
Builder and construction disputes
Disputes regarding the sale/purchase of businesses
Disputes with former employees
Judicial review
Property finance
Property finance
Property finance dispute resolution
Residential possession claims
Preparation of tenancy agreements
Recovery of rent arrears
Possession claims
Service of notices
How we work with practice managers
Deeds of Retirement and Deeds of Adherence
Primary care networks and agreements
Legacy campaigning
Career stories
Staff benefits
Our locations
Training contracts
Training programme
What our trainees say
Training contract FAQs
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Our values
Our culture and core values
Our work in the community
Charity of the year
Armed Forces
How we charge our fees
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01752 203500
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Areas of interest
Business law e.g. company commercial, employment, disputes
Personal law e.g. family, conveyancing, wills, probate
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