Secondary exposure to asbestos claim
This matter was referred to GA’s asbestos specialist, James Walsh, by a Cornish firm of solicitors, due to his extensive expertise in dealing with asbestos litigation.
The client’s mother had sadly passed away after being diagnosed with mesothelioma. She died without knowing the cause of her disease and without preparing a statement recalling her work history or potential exposure to asbestos..
Liability was initially denied due to a lack of supportive evidence which demonstrated her exposure to asbestos. However, following the transfer of the matter to GA Solicitors, further investigations resulted in the possibility of secondary exposure to asbestos. The client’s father had previously worked in Plymouth’s Devonport Dockyard where he was exposed to asbestos and he would have likely brought home the deadly dust on his clothes and hair.
A claim was brought against the Ministry of Defence and the new evidence ultimately led to the acceptance of liability and settlement of the matter, with intense negotiations regarding the exact cause of the exposure and the value of the case.
There were no dependants and therefore the matter finally settled for £100,000.
Without James Walsh’s expertise and knowledge of asbestos litigation, it is likely the family would not have received any compensation, nor any justice for their mother.
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